What are you doing to Cook Up the Professional Dream you Hunger for?
When I’m on stage, I often share my story of going from unemployed to recognized as one of the top professional speakers in the world. I explain to my audiences that I’m teaching them to become a professional speaker, I’m demonstrating the recipe they’ll need to transform their professional aspirations into reality.
Several years ago I met Bret Edson. HIs big dream was to become a professional photographer / Videographer. He had just graduated college and the world was telling him to get a “real job.”
In a church parking lot, I shared my I Live FRESH recipe with him. I shared how we have to commit to Living our Dreams not just think about it or talk about it.
The 5 steps to the recipe are:
Be FOCUSED. Focus on the results you want to produce. Be specific with your goal and limit distractions.
Be RESOURCEFUL. You must think about what you have versus what you don’t have. When you don’t have the resources (ingredients) needed to produce the results you want, connect with the “Human Resources” in your life who can answer the questions you have or connect with the people who have the knowledge or resources you need and want.
Be ENTHUSIASTIC about the results. Every dream requires hard work, work we don’t want to do. You need energy too cook things up. It’s not the work that excites us, it's the result. The emotion of the result must be stronger than the emotion of the work.
Be STRONG. Be mentally strong. Put yourself in environments and around people with a growth mindset. Consume knowledge that will help you create a step by step plan to transform your dream into reality, Develop a team of mentors. Coaches and accountability partners who will push you to cook up your dream.
Be HONEST. Are you helping the process or hurting it? What is your mindset? Make time for self reflection to ask yourself why you believe or don’t believe you can live your dream. Reflect on results you’ve produced in the past and build upon that success.
Fast forward a few years and I’m working with Bret on new marketing photos and a new marketing video for my business. I’m one of list of clients in the Phoenix area that are keeping him busy. As a thank you, I presented Bret and his co-worker Nicholas with “#ILIVEFRESH” t-shirts with the words “Photographer” on the back.
Why? Because he’s living his professional dream and his story in inspiring and proof to you that when you commit your time, talents, team and treasures to living your dream, you can produce tasty results for yourself and help others (me) do the same.
What FRESH recipe are you using / have you used to produce the results you hunger for in your career?