
Your Mindset is Your Mental Cookbook

Your Mindset is Your Mental Cookbook

“Where your mind goes, your body will follow.”

When I started my speaking career, I had all the physical gifts to be a professional speaker, but my mindset held me back for years. It was a mindset created by the culture of my employers.

Your mindset is something you choose. It’s crafted by the people you surround yourself with, the environments you choose to invest your time in, and the knowledge you choose to consume. 

When I chose to mentally commit to being a professional speaker, I chose to surround myself with successful professional speakers. I  built relationships, joined masterminds, joined trade associations, and invested in training programs for professional speakers. When I did this beautiful results became a reality.

My new network shared recipes with me on what was possible. I added those recipes to my mental cookbook. Now I'm working everyday to replicate the tasty possibilities they have challenged me to produce.

What professional dreams do you hunger for? How is your workplace culture impacting your mindset? Choose your mindset and put in the work to cook your dreams up!

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