The BAD BAD Apples





Go Forward Radio interview




The BAD BAD Apples

The mission of the BAD BAD Apples is to provide individuals with the Belief, Action and Determination to Build And Develop their  attitude for success. The BAD BAD Apples is a joint venture between Frank Kitchen Enterprises and SIGMA C Enterprises.


While working at Community Colleges in Cleveland, Ohio, Frank Kitchen and Rodger Campbell formed a friendship while assisting thousands of students and professionals on the road to personal and professional success. Challenged by same students and professionals to share their message, Frank and Rodger left they're college careers and formed the BAD BAD Apples. After many long, caffeine supported nights, they developed the popular keynote “Are you a B.A.D.A.P.P.L.E?” and the BAD BAD Apples Philosophy on Life and Leadership. What began as a challenge, turned into an adventure that took them from college professionals to full-time speakers. Faster than they could have imagined, they went from writing notes on a napkin to performing in front of audiences large and small in the United States and Canada.


Frank and Rodger have over 30 years of experience advising individuals, professionals and organizations. Experience gained from note worthy careers in government,entertainment, business and education.


The BAD BAD Apples provide you and your organization with two dynamic speakers for keynotes, workshops, orientations and retreats. Programs topics offered include leadership, diversity, communication, new student orientation, team building, goal setting and personal motivation.




"Are you a B.A.D. A.P.P.L.E? The BBA Philosophy on Building and Developing an Attitude for Success!”

You are just like an Apple! You have value and impact. You can produce amazing things when you posses the proper attitude.  You must have the BELIEF, ACTION and DETERMINATION to BUILD AND DEVELOP your Success. Everyone knows that a rotten apple can spoil the bunch, but Frank Kitchen and Rodger Campbell will teach you how a BAD APPLE can take you and your organization from ordinary to extraordinary. Experience why a B.A.D. Attitude is the key to success.

Audiences will learn:

  • The BAD BAD Apples Philosophy on Life and Leadership
  • The Three stages of a Successful Attitude
  • The three characteristics needed to create a rich environment
  • The Five-step plan for growing an Attitude for Success

Grow your Apples" BAD BAD Apples Retreats and Trainings

People are like Apples. They are a valuable resource. A resource with the ability to produce limitless amounts of products and services that individuals want, need and desire. They just need the proper environment to GROW! Our retreats provide the proper nourishment and resources needed to grow a healthy and thriving crop of Apples. Our retreats are tailored to meet your individual needs. Invite us for a few hours, an entire day or as long as you need.

The following topics can be incorporated into any retreat:

 Conflict Resolution        Organizational Development                      Goal Setting             Communication

 Diversity                      Presentation Development and Delivery      Leadership               Relationship Building 

 Stress Management       Team Building                                          Recruitment and Retention                                        



"I overheard a number of our members and advisers saying how much they enjoyed your presentation. I also noticed some of our members staying after to speak with both (Frank Kitchen and Rodger Campbell) of you; I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to personally interact with them.  I also want to say thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences with our advisors at their breakfast the next morning. As teachers, I’m sure that they sometimes feel under-appreciated, but the passion and energy you put forth in your presentation was very well-received! Again, thank you for making our conference one to remember; it was an honor for our members to learn how to be "BAD"!" - Lloyd DeVault, R.N.State Advisor/Executive Director Florida HOSA - Future Health Professionals

"Frank was my keynote speaker during my State Fall Leadership Conference in 2012. The Bad Bad Apple concept 
was a fantastic message which impacted the audience (High School Students throughout the state of Arizona) tremendously. Frank and his partner were humorous and serious when presenting their message catching the audience’s attention for the duration of the presentation. Not only did they present for me, but they took it upon themselves to work with the staff at the US Airways Center (who was conducting the sound system and providing information to manage the Marque and video boards during the General Session). They truly helped to make the event spectacular." - Kym Contreras-Spitali, Former AZ FCCLA Executive Director

"In two hours, you built a community that would have taken weeks otherwise.  Thank you so much sharing your talents with our students.  You lead them with enthusiasm, humor and care.  It was a beautiful thing to watch unfold and so neat to see the immediate connections students were making with one another.  You have made quite a difference on our campus.   Please let me know how I can help get others to get you to their campuses.  I know they won’t regret it." - Elise Riggle, Coordinator of Campus Life The Ohio State University Mansfield

"We want to thank you for the wonderful program you did at our Retreat. I have never seen our senators so energized and ready to go. We hope to work with you in the near future on a campus wide event. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"George L.Cheripko IV, Ohio University (Employee) Classified Senate

“Your sessions were great. Thank you so much for speaking at CLS.” - Kaitlin Cooper – St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital

"Dear Rodger and Frank, My heartfelt thanks for being my "Knights in Shining Armor" and coming to my training rescue!"-Candy Townsend, Entrepreneurship Innovation Institute of Lorain County 

"You are an event planners DREAM!"Robert Godfrey, Utah State Court Employees Conference


For  more information on the BAD BAD Apples, please contact Frank or Rodger directly or click on one of the icons below to see and learn what they do.





Frank Kitchen

[email protected]





Rodger Campbell

[email protected]




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