

Live FRESH - To commit your time, talents, team, and treasures to live your dream while helping others live their dreams.

The #ILiveFRESH movement

We live in a world where we see negatives and positives. The negatives many times are glamorized and monetized. Years ago, I had a member of the news media tell me that negative stories are easier to sell and get better ratings. The comment was sad, but true when it comes to the media. It’s one reason why my wife and I limit our TV viewing. We noticed that we started feeling better about life once we limited media exposure.

I am blessed to meet and work with people who are positive difference makers and life changers. These people don't talk about the positive results they will produce, they live them. Seeing what they do keeps me in a positive mindset and helps me deal with the “rainy days” life can throw at me.  How would you feel if you could see more of the positives life has to offer? I started the hashtag, #ILiveFRESH, to do just that. Whether you use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or other social media platforms, you can add the hashtag your posts.

The hashtag helps compile and organize similar social media posts. I am asking for your help. Every time you experience or do something that creates a positive result for yourself or others, please share it via social media. Please add #IliveFRESH to your post. The next time you’re having one of “those” days, do a search for #IliveFRESH and you will see or read the positives happening in the world. It will be healthy for your mind, body, soul and spirit. It will be your antidote for the negatives you experience on a daily basis.

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