
2015 Fall National Conference on Student Leadership Notes

Last week, I had the honor of speaking at the 2015 Fall National Conference on Student Leadership (NCSL). College student leaders from the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, Singapore and Italy attended the workshops I was invited to present. One of my favorite workshops is "Trick or Treat - The 4R's to a Sweet Organization." 

During "Trick or Treat" I encourage attendees to share ideas on how to recruit and retain members for their organizations. Here are the ideas that were shared during the conference in Washington DC. Many of the ideas below can be applied to make your organization, association or business a success.

2015 Fall NCSL 4R’s FRESH Ideas

Recruitment (Ideas for recruiting new members)

  1. Workshops for Freshman during Campus Experience activities
  2. Recruit targets groups (Example - Recruit males on campus)
  3. Gorilla Marketing (Example -Use your campus mascot)
  4. Advertise openings during classes
  5. Host interest meetings where people can ask about your organization
  6. Bribe people to attend a recruitment event (Examples - Food and Prizes)
  7. Host Social Events (Examples - Ice Cream Social, Meet your SGA Talent Show)
  8. Partner with other clubs and organizations
  9. Appeal to people’s curiosity with your recruitment activities (Examples - RC Car, Mascots)
  10. Personal invites to events (Example - Bring a friend)
  11. Host a Recruitment Carnival

Recognition (Ideas to better understand, learn and know about the talents your new members' posses)

  1. Invite new members to bring ideas and friends to meetings
  2. Listen to people/members. Learn about them
  3. Awards ceremony from peers. Recognize their work/efforts
  4. Get to know you games and activities
  5. Reflection space and Leadership Tests
  6. Talent Show (Display your abilities) and Meet us Monday (Meet members and leaders)
  7. What’s your major? Ask questions to learn members skills
  8. Discovery. Ask questions and assign tasks
  9. Ask Professors for recommendations
  10. Bring in outside party/organization to lead team-building/bonding activities

Retention (Ideas for training and retaining members)

  1. Students with experience teach training and workshops
  2. Assign mentors for members to shadow
  3. Bring members to executive board meetings
  4. Ask Alumni to help with training
  5. Have a member orientation to train people
  6. Invite members to committee meetings for 1 on 1 time with members and leaders
  7. Ask members, “What don’t you know?” “What do you want to know?”
  8. Host training workshops
  9. Host training retreats
  10. Have monthly in-service days to train people

 Rewards (Ideas for rewarding members for the work that they do)

  1. Awards (Examples - Secret Snowman, prizes)
  2. Massages
  3. Show Appreciation (Say Thank you)
  4. Money
  5. Thank you card
  6. Kudos Board (Leave notes of appreciation or recognition for the work members do)
  7. Senator of the Month award
  8. Golden Gavel Award
  9. Opportunities to Speak
  10. Promotions
  11. Leadership Transcript

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